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March 22, 2005



Yay, I'm glad you're happy in your new location! I enjoy you, so I'm gonna keep on reading!


SOOOOOO Cute! All of it except your finger. I gave myself the mother of all paper cuts last night, must have been in sympathy. The cake is awesome and I hope she loves being "Doo"!


Ooh, that finger looks like it must be very icky under that bandage. I can't believe how long the Dumpling's hair has grow. She looks like such a big girl now!


I am all over those pigtails. Can't wait to be having pigtails here at our house! She is so beautiful. Have fun celebrating a great birthday!


Yay for moving! The other site gave my eyeballs pains.

Dumpling=SO CUTE, finger=YUCK! and OW!


Finger=Gross. OW!

Yay, you moved! The other site made my eyeballs hurt a little.


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