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May 31, 2006



First of all: Wow! Two years! Doo! Amazing. I can't wait to meet Dumpling in person.

Secondly: I'm dying to come back to my old stomping grounds. I've been trying to figure out where we will go this summer besides Chicago. Hmmmmm. And there are so many tres cool hotels in Montreal that I'd love to check out. And swim in your pool? Say no more. I'll hand deliver your Tarjay purchases.


If you went to read my blog and found it gone it's only just moved to http://lala.totsgo.com
Congrats on two years of raising the first Chinese Jewish Prime Minister of Canada!


I can't believe it's been two years!

Congratulations! Especially on the scrap booking... [insert hung head].


Congratulations on your two years! And I'm in deepest sympathy about the TV. I just downloaded and watched the last two 'Lost' yesterday. Today? What's the point...


Ah, but allstar big brother is coming up...

I haven't started Li's book yet either. Sigh.


Congrats on 2 years! :)

If you have cable or satellite - I like "The Closer", the "4400" and the "Dead Zone"... I think they are on TNT (or USA, but I think it is TNT)... in the summer! They are new episodes! :)

LID 10/31/05


Hey, if the most you feel guilty about is the lack of scrapbooking - you are ahead of the game! :-)

2 year mark - seems like yesterday!!! Very, very cool.

re: TV - we do quite a bit on DVD. My husband travels quite a bit and it allows us more flexibility. But, um, yeah - I guess that doesn't help you much on the current shows, eh? Sorry.

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