who knew? That Internet thingy, it's got lots of applications! It turns out my father is quite hip with all manners of Internet-capabilities (I knew that, he's an computer engineer!), but he came over and solved my iTunes Canada problem, without costing a cent! Turns out everything I want to download is *cough* available *cough* via Torrents and Azureus. As I type this, the home PC is downloading the second season of Grey's Anatomy.
Which, by the way, it my new guilty pleasure. When it started airing 2 years ago, I watched a few episodes, but it conflicted with too many other things, so I gave it up. Also, I couldn't get into Patrick *the hair* Dempsey... He was so B list in the 80's, i jut couldn't buy him as the hunk. But one of my employees lent me the first season DVD and convinced me to watch it, which I did this weekend. And I buy him now. I am so into this show, that my first download is the second season. (Mind you, the TV version, not iPod, but I'm gonna get to iPod content soon!)
I have before and after pics of my weekend project to show you, but I'm too itchy from the 1000 bug bites all over my body... more later!
I looooove me the Grey's Anatomy and the Patrick Dempsey! Season two is a killer, especially the finale shows. I bawled like a baby during and after that one. Happy torrenting!
Posted by: Deanna | June 05, 2006 at 10:47 AM
Welcome to the Grey's Obsession! Yippee!
Posted by: that girl | June 05, 2006 at 11:52 AM
My sister LOVES Grey's Anatomy and has gotten me to watch it too. :) Yes, you should get the Closer. It is great and comes back on this coming week. Woohoo!
LID 10/31/05
Posted by: Melissa | June 05, 2006 at 12:19 PM
Speaking of TV, have you heard that Big Brother is an all-stars, you pick who's in one this summer? I am kind of embarassed to admit how very excited I am about it. Too bad Dr. Will won the game. He likely won't be back, he was sooo my fave of all time.
Posted by: Melissa | June 05, 2006 at 06:38 PM
I too am struggling with GO. It's that FACE she pulls. The "Don't I Look GORGEOUS When I Squint Like This And Do a Cat Smile?" face. Very similar to the Neve Campbell Squint'n'Pout (TM). Ugh. Is it really worth perservering? Alisa keeps telling me it is.
Posted by: Jo | June 07, 2006 at 06:18 AM