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January 30, 2007



eeeeee....poop watch!!! She's adorable! Those chubby cheeks, wow! I'm glad Dumpling decided that she is okay and you guys can keep her. :p


Doris Clark

Poop watch!

Dumpling is the sweetest. That is so cute of her to say.

That is tremendous that your orphanage is the closest and you get to visit.

Keep smilin!


I will have you know that LSP just said Sprout's name!! She won't even say her own name, so this is huuuuuge.

The sisters look adorable together!! Dumpling looks so proud.

Poop will come, as you know. I'd say by day 3 or 4. Poor little system is in distress.

Good luck. And yes, you will need extra wipes to clean the chubby bum.

atomic mama

So glad the Dumpling approves - too cute! And that's great that you're able to visit the orphanage...

gang from the store!

Wow!!! Beautiful pictures, you all seem so happy :) Looking forward to meeting Sprout :)
Lots of Love xoxoxoxox


Nothing to beat the happiness of the first poop! Cubby botties are the best - not that I'm boasting or anything ;)


Oh poopy that should say "chubby botties" there I've posted "botties" on your blog TWICE.


I am So happy for you guys (Dumpling included) and I couldn't believe that some of the pictures moved me to tears. I can only figure the absolute joy you must be feeling is coming through them! Congratulations!!

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