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February 05, 2007



Yay for fat babies! Enjoy your shopping.


I'm an idiot who cannot figure out what 11 kilos is in pounds. But am glad everything is going well and Sprout is such a big healthy baby!


So glad SickDad is better. I don't know about Sprouty taking down Dumpling, its you and Mortimer's Dad I'm getting worried for!

atomic mama

Big and healthy is good. Watch your back, Dumpling!

Heather G

Sprout, you're one spunky girl and so adorable too! I love that. Our girl was big and healthy as well, it's a great thing. Good idea getting your point across early: don't mess with Sprout, gotta respect that.


11 kilos is a little more than 24lbs. Canadians get pretty good at converting as we actually use pounds and ounces more than metric in everyday life too. It is a nice change to convert one's own weight to kilos, sounds much nicer divided by 2.2....ha ha.

Sister Carrie

Big baby! I would certainly enlist her to carry her share of the bags. She sounds hilarious and it will be fun to hear more about her exploits.


I think you're back now! So welcome home. Can't wait to hear the further adventures of Sprout and Dumpling. Good luck getting over the jet lag quickly! And tell your dad he's a riot.

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