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February 03, 2007



Cursing out people in foreign countries could be a new segment on Living Montreal. Holy crap! What a flight. Hope SickDad and the entire SickFamily are doing better. They were lucky to be in your travel group.


Cursing out people in foreign countries could be a new segment on Living Montreal. Holy crap! What a flight. Hope SickDad and the entire SickFamily are doing better. They were lucky to be in your travel group.


Holy crap! was going to be my reaction, but Herb got there first. So I think I'll say Holy Shit! I can't believe none of the plane staff did anything. Wow.


I think that Holy Crap, or Holy Shit!!!! is the only appropriate response.

I don't suppose you could name the airline, as a public service?


Love what you did. Love it. I hope SickDad is ok. God, that must have been the longest, most surreal flight. Lunch over the man in the aisle - aaackk! Unbelievable.


K2 says it best. Bloody Hell I add.
Please what airline?????????
And I hope he is getting better.
This could be the reason to travel as a group (says one without an agency and going solo)...


Oh my God! That is ridiculous! Good for you guys to band together. Please let us know how SickDad is doing.

Doris Clark

I hope SickDad feels better. And that the rest of the trip has far less drama

Sister Carrie

Wow! You guys are like superheroes or something. I'd pay money to see video of you shouting at the passengers. Do let us know how SickDad is doing. Now I feel the need to get some Gravol, though I don't know what it is.


For anyone that doesn't know, Gravol is a motion sickness/travel pill that is bought over the counter in Canada but I don't think it is available in the U.S.

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