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March 09, 2007



Extra! Extra! Read all about it! I like hat. Did the newspaper gig pay well?


That photo is awash in earth tones, from the walls, to the couch to the clothing. I love it.


I am digging into the recesses of my Montreal memories. Did you pick up the outift at Les Terrasses? Maybe Tristan or Le Chateau? God I loved LC. And some other places whose names now escape memory. I know your shoes were from Aldo.


You looked hip! Anyway, what did those popular girls know about fashion back in the 80's, glued to their strawberry flavored lip gloss as they were. But I do notice a little feathering going on with your hair, or is it a belated Dorothy Hammel hairdo? I sooooooooo wanted the Dorthy Hammel but my hairdresser always ended up giving me a pixie instead.

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