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July 01, 2007


Mrs Figby

Haaa! You people are just having TOO much fun. Especially you.


I am so glad I paid $20 CDN (approx $20 USD) at poker at have my ass handed to me.
I hear the going rate on 1st Ave in Seattle is in access of $100 for that sort of thing. I've moved on from wine to beer to rum. Mrs. Urban is now in charge of our days and our nights, like Charles.

Deanna (Mrs Urban)

Proud to be the responsible adult for a change...


Ok...you sooo deserve TOO much wine after the last month! Hope you enjoyed and didn't have tooo big a headache.


Too hilarious! Glad you all are having such a wonderful time!

Sister Carrie

I am enjoying this summit tremendously from a distance. I agree that you deserved to party hard, and I hope your lack of posting this morning isn't due to a hangover.

I am going to rely on Mr. Urban as my currency converter from now on.


DOOD! You don't "play" Second Life, you just go in world and experience it. :)

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