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January 06, 2008



What no photos? I feel cheated.


Hey...why not live a little and order some NEW panties for the cottage? (As if I'm one to talk, I'm pretty sure I'm still wearing some maternity undies...and my youngest is three). LOL


Sounds like those things could double as a rain tarp cover for your Sukkah hut. There is always the Britney option. ewwwwwwww!


Although your description was quite detailed, I agree with Debbaroo in feeling a bit cheated with no photo. BTW, it's Victoria's semi-annual sale right now. The Web site has lots of deals!


I need to learn to heed your warnings. It sounds like Walmart is doing their part to promote birth control.


I have those exact orange chinos from the Crew - I'm certain of it.


go to wholeseomewear.com - lots of fabulous bathing garments that might be right up your alley.

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