As you all know by now, my evenings totally suck because of the writer's strike. I am a TV girl through and through, and I have run out of TV to watch. I swear, I'm gonna turn to Gilmore Girls and Buffy if this goes on any longer...
Anyhow, back in the fall, we bought a Wii. My dad has one and had been teaching Dumpling to play Smooth Moves. She loves it. So we got it and put it in the attic playroom, played for a month and forgot about it. I have never been a video games person. The only game I ever played was Donkey Kong on my Commodore 64. to load it, you had to play a cassette tape.... I'm old!
We took the Wii to the country so Dumpling could play her new game, the Disney Princess one. It's a little too hard for her, but she likes holding the numchuck while I do whatever needs to be done. Sometimes, after she went to bed, I would try to advance through more levels, so she could enjoy more kingdoms. Then, I got Big Brain Academy. And I have become obsessed! Obsessed with making my brain grow! Attempting to pass the 1200 g mark and finally improving on my steady C++ grade. (Mensa my a**! I can't seem to improve in the Calculate area)
I have to admit it. I like the Wii. I even went I bought myself 2 games today. And I spotted one online that I need to order, because I couldn't find it in the stores. They are sort of lame: Ratatouille, some sort of japanese cartoon game and the cooking game is the one I'm looking for.
But until TV comes back, I'll just be firing up the Wii.....
You'll have to bring your Wii games in February and play them with Brainiac on his Wii. I haven't yet been sucked back into video games since I shook the Nintendo 64 Donkey Kong monkey from my back in 1999.
Posted by: Harry | January 08, 2008 at 09:03 PM
I am telling you, Gilmore Girls isn't as bad as you think. It was totally worth watching.
Posted by: AmericanFamily | January 08, 2008 at 09:13 PM
Oh how I appreciate your confession. I was given the Nintendo DS for Christmas, hemmed and hawed about taking it back, decided to keep it and I love it. Especially the Brain Age games. I've gone from the brain of a 41 year old (what I am) to a 32 year old WOOO HOOO!!!! Now if I could just get the stupid thing to connect to my wireless I would be so happy. I will be purchasing Wii soon..if i can find it anywhere.
Posted by: Stacey | January 08, 2008 at 09:14 PM
We got our son a Wii for his birthday a few months ago. I also have never been a video game kind of gal, unless you count the Pac Mac of my childhood. I love Big Brain Academy and I also enjoy bowling and tennis. Sometimes, I play when the kids aren't here, just me and Big Brain!lol
Posted by: Julie | January 08, 2008 at 09:19 PM
I found a 3pm...on Christmas Walmart in my very small town. Is that what they mean by a Chistmas miracle? Bought it for "the kids" and my husband and I have spent many hours since bowling and golfing. It's the best bowling alley I've ever been in...doesn't have that weird smell and no funny shoes. Also no bugs on the golf course. I normally detest video games but it is almost as much fun watching somebody use the controllers as it is playing.
Posted by: Melissa | January 08, 2008 at 09:22 PM
Gilmore Girls will suck you in and you won't be able to stop. And Buffy...if you give it two seasons, you won't be able to turn it off.
We got a Wii for Xmas. I'm all about Mortal Kombat. Ray and I play. I'm pretty good.
Posted by: Shelba | January 08, 2008 at 09:28 PM
Smarty Pants is another fun one (trivia) and Carnival games will have you laughing watching each other play.
Posted by: mar | January 08, 2008 at 11:09 PM
Me too! I have never been one to enjoy video games. Then we got the Wii for Christmas, and have almost stopped watching T.V. altogether! Golf and bowling are our favorites, but we don't have that many to choose from as of yet. I may have to go check out more games this weekend. I was surprised that I enjoy it as much as I do, since my husband has three old game consoles sitting around that I have never laid a hand on. Yay for the Wii!
Posted by: Michelle | January 09, 2008 at 01:53 AM
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Never played it, but damn that is fun to say! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Posted by: Herb | January 09, 2008 at 11:12 AM
Dude- Zelda- we bought it last night and I am hooked! And I love bowling- I can't believe I actually like a video game!
Posted by: Mary | January 09, 2008 at 03:32 PM
We just got one a few weeks ago. I love Big Brain Academy too. If your hubby likes gaming I highly recommend Mario Galaxy and Lego Star Wars b/c they are fun cooperative games you can work through together. :)
Posted by: Nora | January 14, 2008 at 02:26 PM