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January 29, 2008



Happy anniversary!


Happy Anniversary!!! What a joyful little girl!!!!


Happy Anniversary! She is gorgeous!


I'm such a mush, or is it moosh, either way reading this made my eyes mist up, such a darling your little BB and I agree it seems like yesterday and yet that photo shows what a long way she had come. Her personality has always radiated from the photos you post.


Happy Anniversary!


Happy Anniversary! Hope BB feels better soon!


Has it been a year already?! Happy anniversary! What a beautiful little girl!


Wow, a year... amazing! Happy Anniversary tothe whole family!


It's been such a pleasure to watch her blossom. Happy Anniversary!


Happy anniversary! She is so adorable!


I remember those first photos, and now this! BB is a BEAUTY, and so sweet. Loved this post.


congrats on the anniversary. She is too cute.



What a wonderful post! And I bet about 10 or 11 months ago you would never guess you would have come so far. It is great to hear about what a happy and lovey girl she is today. Congratulations, MM!


I have never posted a comment before but I wanted to thank you for this beautiful post. My daughter has been home less than five months and sometimes I can get down about the hard, hard work of parenting, even though she too has come so far. This is just what I needed to read today. Happy Anniversary!


Happy Anniversary BB!! What a great post, what a great little girl! BTW, our daughter has been home a little over 2 years now. She ate everything when we met her and she still does now, and like BB, she handles utensils like a pro - if truth be told, my 3 year old has better table manners than my 9 year old!lol



What a great post - and look at BB, she's not a baby anymore! Happy Anniversary.


I can't believe it's been a year. I vividly remember your posts from the first month or so, and I'm glad that she has adjusted so well.

She looks beautiful in those silks.

Happy anniversary!


Ooh! I am a day late but I hope it was a grand anniversary for your family and beautiful little BB. I hope she feels better today. Love that last photo. She is already starting to look like such a big girl. Something about 2.5--things start to change quickly,huh?

cat, galloping

wow, what a beauty! happy anniversary.


Happy Anniversary BB! She is too adorable!


Happy Anniversary! Both of your girls are beautiful, and you have a wonderful family!


what a difference from those first few months. It is great to hear about so much fun and love with her. I agree, an eating kid is a joy to a parent's heart. Congrats to you all!


Happy Anniversary! Make sure to copy this and put it in her "baby" book...what a nice post!

Lisa in Herbsylvania

Congratulations! What a beautiful, healthy, happy little girl.


Happy expanded Family Day.

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