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February 02, 2008



Whaaaaa??? Trader Joe's is the be all end all, especially for inexpensive yet delicious frozen fish dinners. Mayberry is such a delightful town, unless you get lost around Newark trying to find the right exit for the airport. We had a wonderful time with the Figlet clan last year. Have fun with the Figlets and Figbys! I'm sure Harry can show you where to find good coffee and sushi. There might even be a coffee and sushi bar.

Herb, who is not jealous at all about not being in Mayberry! Ok, maybe a little.


Oh, is there a football game today? Who is playing?


I have to agree - I am not a Trader Joe's convert, and as I told you, Whole Foods carries an awful lot of the same stuff under their store label, for the same price. Maybe if TJ's was closer to us I'd go more often - I think the selection changes all the time.

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