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March 04, 2008



Oh hope you are feeling better real soon.



Um, No, I have never met one of those moms! Feel better soon!!!
And may I say you have one cutie pie in those photos!


I was you last week. My girls were sick first, then were better and full of energy by the time that I was on my deathbed.


She is just so adorable!! Love the room too. Feel better quickly!! I'm like you, when I'm sick, I act it!lol


Love, love, love the bedding/decor in BBs room. She looks mighty pleased with it all, as well.
My mom is one of those hop out of bed while sick as a dog people and I'm one who will lay on the couch moaning with only enough energy to plot the severe beating of the idiot who left their house with the virus and passed it to me in the first place. Obviously, I'm someone to avoid when I'm ill. :)
Hope you feel better soon!!!!


The kid in the photos is friggin' adorable. Did you notice that she has a giraffe on her pjs to match the wall? Could you *be* more coordinated?

Feel better soon!

Employees resigning sucks. I just had that, and have been working *way* more than usual the last few weeks. Interesting that as soon as my work ramped up, I got sick.

Oh, and one of my employees called to let me know that she's "expecting" and is due right before Passover. Argh. The stress will never go away.

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