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March 13, 2008


Mrs Figby

What a marvel you are!


You ARE having a busy day!

Beverly Moore

Cool. My top momma pic was rejected, wrong size I guess. I will retry.


Bobbi Jo

I noticed this first on D*S and thought, "Hey I recognize that? What? That's MM!!!!" D*S is one of my daily addictions. Congratulations, that's a big honor! Just proves your talent :0)

BTW, I'll meet you in Canton! Can't wait.


It's just because you rock! Honestly, the telephone bench is terrific. When you first described it, I could only envision the one my grandmother had until the late 70's. it was all faux gold filigree and pointy flowers. I loved it, but couldn't envision the incredible the revision you gave to yours. Oh right, they come in other flavors too--lime, yummy!!!


That? Is very cool. Don't you just love chipping away at something and finding the treasure?!

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