well, fuck me, I'm having a terrible day!
Some of my peeps are taking a sudden online-hiatus, which is making me totally freaked out, because a) it's all about me! and b) I have few real life friends, when the online friends take a break, I get lonely (because, see a), it's all about me)
Last night, we went to see Bruce Springsteen (in case you couldn't make out that cell phone photo) and I made the mistake of listening to my husband when we left and he said that I didn't need a coat because it was nice outside.... it was FRIGID outside and by the time we got from the car to the restaurant and from the restaurant to the arena, I could feel my glands swelling. And on the way out of the arena, my scratchy throat from singing encountered the cloud of smoke from the people insisting on lighting up the millisecond they stepped outside..... so this morning: throat on fire, ears throbbing, no voice.... I am not feeling great.
THEN! (because it's not over people, not by a long shot) Hubs went to work, only to find out that that 2 people "working" at that store were resigning..... i put working in quotation, because we had been having issues and were seriously considering replacing them, but not this morning at 10 am...... Needless to say, we will be working A LOT in the next few weeks until we can find new staff and get them up to speed....
And finally, BB's big girl bed is supposed to be delivered today. It's past 1 pm and there is no sign of it. She won't take a nap because she was expecting to take her first nap in her big girl bed.... WHICH IS NOT HERE!!!!
1 pm is too early for wine, right? What about Gluwine, or whatever they call it... we use to drink it in Austria, some sort of mixture of wine, honey, tea... it's hot, it's gotta be good for my throat....
UPDATE: the bed is here.... or I should say, the boxes for the bed are here and clogging up the entire upstairs. Because apparently, Delivery does not includ Assembly..... which we did not know...... And I do not feel like assembling a bed today. I know I could, but I don't want to. So Hubs is giving them an ear full and I am off to search for throat medicine, or morphine.... whichever I can get my hands on.
Hey, glass half-full:
1) if bad employees quit, are there unemployment payments needed (I don't know how Canada works)
2) who's posted TWICE today? Hunh? Hunh?
3) errrr, don't know. Wanna eat a big cow sometime in the future?
Posted by: Johnny | March 03, 2008 at 01:50 PM
Oh sorry your having one of "those" days, "Super sucky" I believe is the technical term. I must have been having pre "super sucky" sympathy pains as I spent the weekend napping and crying, over everything and nothing, isn't it always over everything and nothing?
Never mind, it'll all come out in the wash.
p.s I did find out about skating classes for The Loopster but they only do them on Sunday afternoons and I hate to sign up for weekend stuff, or Tuesdays at 6pm but she goes to bed at 6.30 so neither option appeals very much.
Posted by: Debberoo | March 03, 2008 at 02:15 PM
Well, heck. That's no good. Didn't our grandmothers prescribe whiskey for illness? It may not cure it, but you won't care.
Posted by: Sister Carrie | March 03, 2008 at 02:17 PM
Oh no, you've got The Illness(TM)! The one that is rampaging across the blogosphere! Take care of yourself.
Yah, peeps disappearing. Bummer.
Posted by: OmegaMom | March 03, 2008 at 02:58 PM
Hey MM!
I'm going through the same Peeps withdrawal! Thank goodness Johnny has a new puppy to keep us all amused (hehehe...I'm a cat person!)
I'll be your Peep, if you'll be mine! :)
Sorry you're not feeling well...make sure you get to the Dr. ASAP, you've got too many people in the house and if you're down..well, it won't be good :( My Mom use to swear by Scotch tea.... (aka tea with liberal amounts of scotch...well, she is Irish)
And finally, I have a BIG attack of the green monster! BRUCE! and Toddler Bed! in the same weekend...life's so unfair...Kelsey won't sleep unless she is surgically attached to my side in my bed.
Hope you rebound soon...and don't worry about the loser employees...good riddance!
Posted by: joann in NJ | March 03, 2008 at 03:33 PM
Never, never too early for wine. It's always noon somewhere. As far as the bed, throw the mattress on the floor and tell BB that's how everyone sleeps in their big girl beds for the first time. You have to break in the mattress before you can put the mattress into the bed.
Posted by: Elizabeth | March 03, 2008 at 03:59 PM
Bleah, that is a bad day. My sore throat remedy is the following: juice of one lemon, 1/4 tsp vitamin C powder (health food store), a heaping spoon of honey and hot water in a mug. I'm convinced it helps me get better faster but at the very least it is quite soothing. Something about the acid and the honey really quiets down a scratchy sore throat.
We saw Bruce the last time he was in Montreal (and again at Fenway and Foxborough that same year - the husband is a huge fan). He discovered that there is an E Street channel on Sirius in his new car. Apparently yesterday they were playing rare recordings of old concerts - talk about excited.
Posted by: Elise | March 03, 2008 at 09:59 PM
yeah, i am experiencing the peeps withdrawal also...how dare they do this!!!! and remember, as long as you don't need to drive anywhere if you are sickish and having a bad day, it is never too early for wine (or whatever you need to help you thru a sucky day).
Posted by: kris | March 03, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Yes, v. bogus about the peeps withdrawal.
It is too bad you can't just go to bed and skip the day and then get up and have tomorrow be better and have the bed magically assembled by elves while you sleep and they leave you a gift of wine for the following evening. Hmmm... apparently my fantasies run toward the bizarre.
Posted by: Amyesq | March 03, 2008 at 10:33 PM
I also have the peeps withdrawal and I figured it was my fault (yes, all about me, I know.) Now I can blame you! :)
Hang in there!
Posted by: spacemom | March 03, 2008 at 10:59 PM
I know how you feel about the sudden disappearing from the blogosphere. Don't they know they are here for my entertainment, LOL.
Posted by: beverly | March 04, 2008 at 03:54 PM
Sorry about the sucky day, hope things get better quickly! Also missing a couple of my fave blogs - like it's not enough that with this recent move I barely have phone service, still don't have cable and have very spotty internet, that when I sign on, my faves aren't posting...talk about putting pressure on them eh?lol Thankfully you're still here to entertain me. :-)
Posted by: Julie | March 05, 2008 at 10:07 AM