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May 27, 2008



So fun! That's a lot to handle when you're sick.

Bobbi Jo

Dang! You guys have been busy! Sounds like loads of fun. I can't believe how grown up Dumpling looks in her blue and white dress! And fun to see the whole family out for the JD walk! Go team!! Off to quilt...oy.


Dumpling looks like such a big girl, and BB is just precious and so earnest in all of the pics! I love it...glad you posted. Was worried about you.


busy busy busy and great pics.


Wow, no rest for the weary! I hope the antibiotics to their job by day 10!
Sounds like you guys have been busy. What a pout on BB's face. Tough being the little sister.
Oh, Thursday night I was on a flight from Ft. Laud to DC and the lady I was sitting next to told me she was continuing on to your neck of the woods. I sent her to your store. I hope spent lots.

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