Oy. On day 4, the antibiotics kicked in and I was doing much better. So much so, that on Saturday night, we went to dinner at Susan and Gord's house and I even allowed myself to have a glass of wine (it's Susan's fault). But now, on Day 8, the pain is sort of coming back. The good news is that I found out on Sunday that one of my new knitting pals happens to have a urologist for a husband and she's given me his direct number, so when I pop the last pill on day 10, if I'm not better, I'm going to make use of this new connection.
Now let's back up a little and fill you in on the happenings around here. Saturday was a long-planned dinner at Journey to Mei Mei's House. Red was supposed to be there, but she used the sick-baby excuse and stayed home (kidding! the baby was actually quite sick and they were missed. which is why I had to have wine, because Red wasn't there to drink with Susan!)
The big girls got on like a house on fire, again. This time, they had princess make-overs (Cara-Li enjoying the "doing" and Dumpling enjoying the "being done over") They were a tiny bit naughty.... making up signs that said "No Beach Ball" and putting them on the doors, after ever so sweetly coming down and double checking the spelling of Beach Ball's name.... This might explain the sour-puss look on Beach Ball's face..... Also noteworthy: the chicken was so delicious, Dumpling asked for seconds, and after proclaiming that she did not like icecream cake and poking around at her slice, she promptly ate 2 full servings.
On Sunday, we attended the Juvenile Diabetes Walk for a Cure for the second year. You might remember that last year, I took the girls by myself (with my MIL) because Hubs was in the hospital. Well, this year, all is well and he came with us. The girls had a good time, though there was less walking and more stroller-riding this year.... Dumpling's little friend J, who has Juvenile Diabetes, has a mom who is an absolute dynamo. She manages to get sooooo many of the pre-K families involved in this event, our team was not only one of the biggest in numbers (with so many little kids!) but managed to raised a scary huge amount of money. I am so proud of how hard she works and to count her as a friend. Even after organizing such an event, she still managed to pull of a great play-date for our girls the very next afternoon and I picked up a very glittery Dumpling at the end of a long day!
Finally, yesterday was Beach Ball's visit to the farm run by the local university. It's a mighty cute dairy farm with a small sampling of cute animals for the kids to pet. But unlike most petting farms that I've been to, where the animals are skittish or hyper, these animals only see small groups of school children, no private visits, and are rotated often, so they were the most gentle, sweetest goats/sheep/pigs that we've ever had the pleasure of petting. BB had no part in letting the cows "kiss" her though!
And today (as if I'm not exhausted enough!) Dumpling's class celebrated Israel's 60th (a little belated!). Here is my Dumpling, all decked out in blue and white, manning the Israeli Souvenir Booth.... I have to command the teachers. They made a sheet for kids to write who had been to Israel and who hadn't. Then the made another sheet for who was born in Canada and who was born in Israel, but they added a 3rd column for kids who were born somewhere else. It was so nice to see that in addition to China and the USA, we had kids born in Argentina and Belgium.
Tomorrow, I'll tell you all about my new knitting buddies.... go figure! I found some gals I enjoy seeing on a weekly basis!
So fun! That's a lot to handle when you're sick.
Posted by: Carolyn | May 27, 2008 at 09:13 PM
Dang! You guys have been busy! Sounds like loads of fun. I can't believe how grown up Dumpling looks in her blue and white dress! And fun to see the whole family out for the JD walk! Go team!! Off to quilt...oy.
Posted by: Bobbi Jo | May 27, 2008 at 10:44 PM
Dumpling looks like such a big girl, and BB is just precious and so earnest in all of the pics! I love it...glad you posted. Was worried about you.
Posted by: Amanda | May 28, 2008 at 10:33 AM
busy busy busy and great pics.
Posted by: Beverly | May 28, 2008 at 04:26 PM
Wow, no rest for the weary! I hope the antibiotics to their job by day 10!
Sounds like you guys have been busy. What a pout on BB's face. Tough being the little sister.
Oh, Thursday night I was on a flight from Ft. Laud to DC and the lady I was sitting next to told me she was continuing on to your neck of the woods. I sent her to your store. I hope spent lots.
Posted by: Elizabeth | May 28, 2008 at 05:37 PM