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June 17, 2008



OK... I love the stuff you got a Promod! Once you have a moment, can you please e-mail me a list of shops to go to and places to see in Paris? I am still gearing to go mid-Sept! I haven't been since the mid-90's. Certainly things have changed since!


those dresses are divine!


great purchases!

Sister Carrie

What the....

Oh. You must mean that other Carrie. Right? Scared me for a minute there.


I just returned home today after being gone for a few days and Little Miss is dishing out the same behavior that Dumpling has. It is wildly frustrating and certainly doesn't make for a sweet homecoming.

I wish I knew what to do. I wish I could guilt free leave the house for whatever I need to do and not have to worry about my daughter turning into a hot mess upon my return.

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