First, let me start with the end of this post: I am not shutting my blog down. There, you don't have to worry. But it doesn't mean that things are just fine around here. This post is probably going to be a tad disjointed, try to bare with me, I've been trying to organize this in my mind for weeks now and the conclusion is that I just can't organize it properly.
I love blogging. I love the virtual archive of my life, the back and forth with readers, both in comments and in private. But this blog is no longer what it used to be. I have no more "Peeps". After the KLB breakdown, my blogging landscape changed quite a bit, but I was able to rebound with the help of some newfound bloggy friends and some ongoing relationships. I enjoyed the inside jokes of the Herb/Harry/Figby clan we had going. I forged some crafty links with some really talented people. But once again, the blogging landscape is barren and I am left here, in the words of Blue Rodeo "And I stand in front of this Ferris Wheel, and I wonder what I am doing here?"
I have always been very honest on this blog. Even when things weren't all puppy dogs and rainbows, especially when it came to adoption. But lately, I have had to self-censor a lot more than I would like. Over the years, I have gotten a lot of readers. Some of them make me uncomfortable. There are people I used to be friends with who have cut me out of their lives, yet still read my blog daily (gotta love the stats). I don't get that. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, why are you still reading my blog. (You, yes you, I know you are getting a kick out of me talking about you.) And then, there are all the "real-life" people who read my blog. Sometimes, there is stuff I would like to blog about, but I can't because the people in my life don't know about some of the things going on.
So I self-censor, and I talk about crafting and TV. But really, there are some serious things that I would really, really like to blog about. But I can't, at least not here. I do have several options, but as you will see, they all cause me stress and give me hives!
- I could simply password protect this blog. But then I would lose the occasional new reader that finds me through links or Google searches. And I so love getting to meet new readers
- I could start a new blog, a deeper, more serious blog.
- I could use a different platform that allows some public ans some private posts
Here is the stress that these options are causing me: How do I go about choosing who gets the password or URL of the new blog? I don't want to make a presumption and send it out to certain people that in fact might not be interested in getting it. And if I say "email me and I'll send it to you", how do I NOT give it to someone I am not comfortable with, without letting that person know, therefore causing strife.
The most likely option I think is a second, non-password protected blog. But distributing the URL would be problematic in the same way. What if someone didn't know I didn't want so-and-so to read it and told them about it?
You see, I am in a major quandary. But this blog will continue. Maybe I'll go more into the crafty side or the work side (apparently the customer story was enjoyed by many). But the big stuff I'm carrying around inside, I don't have an outlet for yet.