Today is BB's first day in her second year of Nursery School. I can't even begin to tell you what a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, we sent just-turned-2-y.o. 2 mornings a week. She couldn't speak. At all. Not one word. She started weekly speech therapy at the same time. It was a pretty intense process, we did a tremendous amount of work with her and we had to learn to wait for her to use words instead of grunting and pointing. But a year later.... you would never know. She speaks as well if not better than the kids in her class (well, except for the one kid who is the daughter of the speech therapist! That kid sounds like a 24 y.o.!!!!)
What Dumpling lacked in confidence, BB more than makes up for. She is now enrolled 5 mornings a week, but she is also attending the early drop off program AND the Lunch Bunch, which means that she gets to school at 8:30 (right after she brings her big sister upstairs to her kindergarten class at 8:20) and stays for lunch with about half the class. We then pick them up together at 1:30. No way Dumpling could have EVER stayed that long at that age. Heck, she barely made it when she started pre-K, which is now only a year away for BB (it could have been 2 years away if the speech hadn't improved, but at this point, it's clearly no longer an issue)
I am a tiny bit apprehensive for her today because this does mean 3 different classrooms and 3 pairs of teachers: the early-drop-off is in the older class, then she goes to her regular class and Lunch Bunch is inn the one class she wasn't in last year! On her visit yesterday, she was a tad overwhelmed by that, because if you add the baby-class she was in last year, that's all the rooms!
I packed them identical Bentos today, hard boiled eggs with faces cut out of fruit leather.....
Which brings me to my final topic: Dumping and Lunch. As long time readers know, Dumpling was a non-eater for a very long time. There were problems eating at home, at the restaurant, at school. We sought advice and help, we had to get someone to sit with her at school to get her to eat in pre-K. Well this year, she's come home with a COMPLETELY EMPTY lunchbox every single day. She is loving the Bento concept and I'm not even making fancy faces or shapes everyday, just lots of little amounts of various fruits and veggies and turkey/eggs in the containers with the separators. She loves it! and the other kids at her table are so jealous, they are asking their moms for it too! 2 of the moms asked me where to get the containers, her friend J in the other class is already eating her own Bento.... Look at that! My kid, fitting right in at the lunch table and even inspiring others....
A year ago, had you told me that BB was going to speak at a 5 y.o. level and Dumpling was going to bring home empty lunch boxes, I would not have believed you for one second.
PS there will be BB first day of school pics, but I took them with the fancy camera and we are going to a fundraiser tonight, for which I am having my hair done.... so you'll have to wait til tomorrow!
Hooray for empty lunchboxes! What time do you have to get up in the morning to pack those Bento boxes, though?
Posted by: Sister Carrie | September 04, 2008 at 12:31 PM
This is all such great news!!! Your efforts have paid off! And as a very wise woman once told me, "nothing is permanent"! ;o)
Posted by: Nat | September 04, 2008 at 12:49 PM
how wonderful. I have got to get into this bento bunch for Glenys next year!!
Posted by: Beverly | September 04, 2008 at 01:05 PM
Okay, so now Dumpling's influence is crossing provincial borders. My hubby and I were just discussing what we were ever going to do with our grade two'er in regards to lunches this year. She is kind of fussy. I've been trolling ebay for bento boxes for a little while. Can you reveal your source? Did yours come with the dividers or did you have to add them afterwards? Do you sell them at your website? I may make a photo-worthy lunch this year after
Posted by: Melissa | September 04, 2008 at 02:17 PM
Wow, what great news! I am in awe that BB has come so far with her speech. And inspired to be a bit more patient with my girls when they point and say "ah! ah! ah!" Can't wait to see the photos of BB. And have you looked into carrying the bento stuff at your store? I could so see this becoming a new schoolyard trend.
Posted by: Amyesq | September 04, 2008 at 09:20 PM