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September 04, 2008


Sister Carrie

Hooray for empty lunchboxes! What time do you have to get up in the morning to pack those Bento boxes, though?


This is all such great news!!! Your efforts have paid off! And as a very wise woman once told me, "nothing is permanent"! ;o)


how wonderful. I have got to get into this bento bunch for Glenys next year!!


Okay, so now Dumpling's influence is crossing provincial borders. My hubby and I were just discussing what we were ever going to do with our grade two'er in regards to lunches this year. She is kind of fussy. I've been trolling ebay for bento boxes for a little while. Can you reveal your source? Did yours come with the dividers or did you have to add them afterwards? Do you sell them at your website? I may make a photo-worthy lunch this year after all...lol.


Wow, what great news! I am in awe that BB has come so far with her speech. And inspired to be a bit more patient with my girls when they point and say "ah! ah! ah!" Can't wait to see the photos of BB. And have you looked into carrying the bento stuff at your store? I could so see this becoming a new schoolyard trend.

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