The great gals over at mamapop wrote a fantastic goodbye post to Rent today. I could have written it myself. I watched the clip in my basement and got all teary eyed....
Rent to me also meant that post-college, don't know what to do with my life period. I was working in Manchester, New Hampshire as the communications director of a printed circuit board company (can you say BO-RING?), splitting my time between here and there (they had factories in both places) but spending as much time as I could in Boston. I saw Rent 6 times there on my own. And I had the 2-cassette set (because my Mazda didn't have a CD player). I would listen to it on the drive back and forth, singing at the top of my lungs. The 5 hour drive would allow me two full listens. I wore the tapes out. Eventually I got the CD. When the movie came out, I saw it and bought the dvd.
You can bet your ass I'll be going to see the limited release last performance in the theaters. Maybe if you live in my town, you wanna go with me? (knitting girls, I'm talking to you!)
I just cried watching that too. Wonderful, wonderful.
Posted by: baggage | September 10, 2008 at 04:23 PM
I saw it 7 times at various places here in CA. Love does not adequately describe my feelings for it. I wore my original C.D.'s out and had to purchase them again off of ITunes. I can still sing almost the entire soundtrack word for word. We even went and watched it performed by a bunch of teenagers at our local community theater last year. Loved it.
Posted by: Michelle | September 11, 2008 at 12:46 AM
long time reader - de-lurking to say what kind of coincidence is it that I work in ManchVegas?!!!
How crazy is that??!!!!
Lurve your blog!!
Posted by: kath | September 11, 2008 at 09:05 PM