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November 15, 2008


Tina Winslow

Ohhh! Have you tried MagHound. It's a fantastic site, that rocks.

4. How much does the MAGHOUND service cost and how many magazines can I get?

MAGHOUND features three basic tiers of service: 3 magazine titles for $4.95 per month, 5 magazine titles for $7.95 per month, and 7 magazine titles for $9.95 per month. Each additional magazine above 7 is just $1.00 extra per month. If you choose a premium title, you will be charged an extra fee for that magazine.

My husband and I have done it and then recycle the mags to nursing homes or libraries!


Vanity and People are my go to.
I love them.

My MIL from Canada, now supports my people habit. Her son gets as much enjoyment. I love my people weekly!

if you have read about anything in greenwich from dominick...think of me!

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