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March 31, 2008


Mrs Figby

It would be an act of insanity for me to commit to this project right as I'm finishing up my master's thesis (which is due end of May.) INSANITY.

And yet, I'm tempted.


sign me up! they dont need to be send until the end of may, right?? because i couldnt send any sooner, what with the other swap


Ack! I am also tempted, but I have never done a swap before because I become insanely committed to my things and never want them to leave my house. OK, except for some knitted things. But I'll think about it. Do I have time?


I don't own a sewing machine. Is that an excuse? I know it's possible to cyberscrap. Can you I quilt? (Probably not as snuggly)


i would love to be involved to give you my support. If you need a hand running it I would be more than happy to help. I will send you an email later today with my details

amanda reagan

Me too please - I'll sned you an email with all of my details. I would love to be part of a doll quilt swap where my kids can actually use the quilt tp play and it is not a piece of art to hang on the wall

amanda reagan

Me too please - I'll sned you an email with all of my details. I would love to be part of a doll quilt swap where my kids can actually use the quilt tp play and it is not a piece of art to hang on the wall


I would love to do this one day. I am just learing to quilt so someday, maybe.....

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